4 Zodiac Signs Will Receive Universe Signs July 12, 2024

On Friday, July 12, we may be tired and ready for a weekend, but we are still alive and open to whatever comes our way.  

Astrology indicates that the universe is lively today and sending us signs. Our Moon is trine Jupiter and Pluto, so we'll see how four zodiac signs react.  

These signs are either cautions or green lights for 'go ahead.  

We will notice that we must hear, see, or experience what the universe wants us to.  

July 12 is powerful, and if we're wise, as we are, we can change our journey for the better.  

You've been waiting for a cosmic sign to decide what to do. Venus opposing Pluto today will show you that you should 'not' do what you were thinking about.  

1. Gemini

On Friday, July 12, you'll get a sign that you're being 'heard' and about to find the answer to a long-standing question.  

2. Scorpio

If you ask for a sign, you get Capricorn, and on July 12, Moon trine Pluto will show you that it's time to change.  

3. Capricorn

An amazing thing about Aquarius is that you always discover indications from the cosmos to confirm what you already know.  

4. Aquarius

5 Most Attractive Zodiac Signs