Astrologer Explains 5 Weird Ways New & Full Moons Affect Your Physical Health

The energies of new and full moons have a wide range of affects on life on Earth. While many people are skeptical of the idea that a New or Full Moon

 can have an impact on our physical health, astrologers have understood this for thousands of years – and some people are more affected than others.

Human bodies are 55-75% water, thus there is reason to suppose that the moon and its lunar cycle have an impact on us, especially since the moon's gravitational pull is strong enough to alter the tides in the ocean.

1. New and full moons can influence your emotions and mental health.

2. New and full moons can disturb sleep.

3. Full moons can make people irritable.

4. New moons can lower energy levels.

5. Some people report experiencing 'New Moon headaches'.