In Order of How Careless They Are, the Zodiac Signs  

 Because being careless is innate to the human condition, it manifests in every zodiac sign. Being careless is more commonly seen as a bothersome habit than anything else, and it is not necessarily detrimental.  

 Some astrological signs are deliberately irresponsible. These signals typically break regulations for their own benefit and strongly oppose others' wants.  

 Some speak without considering how their words would effect others and prefer to speak freely.  

 Others neglect friends and family plans or repeatedly break their promises.  

 systematic, and meticulous Virgos are cautious in everything. Virgos are great companions and,,,

 coworkers because they use their grounded, analytical earth energy to approach undertakings with passion and finish them.  

 Although their fastidious tendencies can drive others crazy, Virgos want to do things perfectly the first time.   

 Accidentally hurting someone's feelings is worse than death, because mistakes feel like failures.  

 "They won't cut corners either; they'll go the extra mile, especially if they're responsible for the outcome," astrologer Jill Loftis tells Best Life.  

Top 5 Zodiac Signs Who Are Born To Be Happy  

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