IQ Test: Can You Find the Ballet Dancer in Flamingos in 11 Seconds?

Optical illusions can change the appearance of objects, pictures, or people, testing brain perception.  

Physical, physiological, and cognitive optical illusions exist. Research shows that a normal brain can interpret things or images differently from different angles.  

Psychoanalysis examinations often use optical illusions to reveal perceptions and intelligence. We designed a fantastic optical illusion where you must find the Ballet Dancer among the Flamingos.  

The above puzzle challenges adults and children. Flamingos in the lake are an optical illusion. A ballet dancer hides amid the crowd. Puzzle: “Can you spot the Ballet Dancer?”  

Finding the hidden Ballet Dancer in the Flamingos is the hardest part of this optical illusion. Thousand grownups can't find the ballet dancer in the photo.  

This optical illusion is another fun IQ test. A real IQ test is great for determining IQ.  

Examine this optical illusion to discover the Ballet Dancer among the Flamingos. Look at the birds' faces on the bottom left to find the Ballet Dancer.  

Ballet Dancer's eyes, bun, and clothes separate her from Flamingos. The colorful birds hide her pink and yellow dress and hairstyle.  

For convenience, we highlighted the hidden Giraffe in the photograph.    

Blueberry-banana Smoothie

