James Webb Space Telescope finds a cosmic gem.  

Gravitational lensing formed a brilliant jewelled ring, which the James Webb Space Telescope captured.  

The new photograph shows RX J1131-1231, a 6 billion-light-year-distant quasar.  

The powerful gravitational field of a nearby elliptical galaxy in the foreground warps the light of the quasar, an extremely luminous.....

....active galactic nucleus (AGN), creating a bright arc and duplicate views of the object, creating a visual that resembles gemstones on a ring.  

Heavy gas and dust pouring into a galaxy's supermassive black hole powers quasars, which radiate brightly. 

According to the ESA, gravitational lensing, which occurs when a big object like a galaxy bends light from a distant source, allows scientists to investigate regions near the black hole component of distant quasars.  

X-ray radiation from quasars can indicate how fast the core black hole spins, which helps researchers understand how black holes evolve over time "ESA officials stated.  

The new JWST image shows the gravitational lens's elliptical galaxy as a faint blue dot in the ring's centre. 

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