The franchise, which debuted in 2014, has produced four films and is expanding with spin-offs including The Continental series in 2023, Ballerina in 2025,
an untitled Caine picture. The first four films have grossed more than $1 billion internationally.
According to Deadline, the initial idea was to shoot John Wick: Chapter 5 alongside Chapter 4, however this did not materialize.
Director Chad Stahelski was unsure about Chapter 5 when Chapter 4 was released, which fans expected given the conclusive finish in March 2023.
However, Lionsgate stated in May 2023 that John Wick 5 was in its early stages of development.
Joe Drake, former Lionsgate Motion Picture Group chairman, revealed during the Q4 meeting that the John Wick series plans to expand.
He noted that this extension includes John Wick 5, and that fans can expect "a regular cadence of 'John Wick'" films in the future.
John Wick Chapter 5 is scheduled to be released in 2026, but a 2027 debut is also plausible.