Certain zodiac signs follow their own path, which often includes their own internal clocks. Most individuals try to be on time, however these zodiac signs usually seem to be late, which becomes a part of their identity.
You can count on their arriving five, ten, or fifteen minutes late. Some arrive an hour after an event begins.
They'll be late to work, hair appointments, and even their birthday celebration.
Some zodiac signs are late because their schedules are too full. These fiery people bite their nails in traffic and arrive for brunch shortly after it ends before going to their next event.
Some people are always late because they're laid-back and adamant about time. They never rush or sweat, so you'll never see them chase an elevator or train.
Aries like to be on time for appointments, yet they overbook themselves, causing chaos. They will almost certainly arrive late because one meeting ends at noon and the next begins at noon.
Taurus moves slowly in their own speed. Bulls are stubborn, so if they feel hurried, they will act. No one will hurry them, and they may walk slowly to prove a point.
Since Sagittarians are zodiac wanderers, they rarely settle into a routine. They sleep weird hours, get up late, and never know where they'll be.