When in a serious relationship, moving in together seems normal.
Splitting rent and utilities costs is appealing, and not commuting to spend time with your partner is convenient.
Cohabiting with a loving partner is a major decision, but some zodiac signs get extra celestial assistance this year.
Some planets and aspects of a birth chart can indicate when it may be a suitable time to move in with a partner, but no one should base their decision on their birthdate.
For instance, the fourth house governs domestic concerns and home life, while the seventh governs partnerships and obligations.
Virgos are thorough planners and precise about their daily life, so sharing a living place with their partner demands careful consideration.
Natural free spirits, Sagittarians appreciate independence. However, this year may be the moment to commit to a loving companion and try cohabitation.
A sensitive and open-hearted Pisces reveres home. In a relationship with someone they love, integrating lives and cohabitating can help them grow closer.